It’s been long accepted that it’s
a fierce race out there, and the smart thing to do is prepare oneself to brace
it well. Preparation can, of course, begin only once the destination has been
decided. And it’s never too early to decide.
There are kids today, who have
decided they want to take the JEE right in class eight, and what follows this
clarity in vision is five years of dedicated single minded working towards the
set goal. And then the kid fulfils his goal and finally enters the hallowed
gates of these prestigious institutions, left quite without a goal for some
time, having achieved the single objective he had. However, you must always
have a goal as only then can you prepare and you must always prepare. So it
isn’t long before our kid has found yet another goal. The clarity in thought is
almost enviable. He knows what he wants, he is in a place where there’s no
dearth of success stories to look to to and emulate and he will soon have figured the best way to
get there, and then it’s just a matter of doing exactly the right things at
exactly the right times for the next four years. The path is set. A tad too set
I think.
I have always been envious of
this kind of clarity in thought and aim, and maybe this is just a case of sour
grapes, but I have begun to sincerely believe that our generation has gotten
trapped in a CV making rat race. For everything you want to be there’s a Harvard Resume, the perfect profile. And
there’s a race out there to get as close to this Harvard Resume as one can. So, eventually one’s objective, the
destination one is working so hard towards is but a Master Resume.
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