Monday, 25 February 2013

The entropy of an isolated system is always increasing...

I am not sure you are going to find the observations that I am stating in this post as interesting, intelligent or exciting as I seem to find them right now. In my defense I have been through a couple of days of mid-sem ghissing and just when I was getting into the groove, my department has decided to make history by postponing the midsems. Yeah, I can’t believe I am complaining about this, but I would rather just get over with them. Anyhow, with that rant out of my system let’s get back to the topic of discussion.

So, one observes, one will find almost everything today seems to be worse off than it was ten years ago, or six months back or yesterday.

We complain about how better music was made in the 70s and about how books written today will never match up to the ones we inherited from the previous generations let alone the classics. Of course, there can be only one P. G. Wodehouse and one Ayn Rand. We complain about how India has had more scams in the last one year than in all years together since independence. We complain about how the world is at a greater risk of complete annihilation courtesy nuclear weapons than ever before. The list is endless.

The world seems to be on a downhill slope and there’s no coming back. The quality of life is constantly degrading and the world seems to be getting only more chaotic. I don’t know if it’s just our perception or it’s actually true but it seems that the second law of thermodynamics has proof in more than just the absence of a perpetual motion machine.